Wednesday, March 28, 2018

If Wayne LaPierre were in charge of the FAA instead of the NRA.

After 911 he would have recommended:

  1. Open cockpits with rear view mirrors, so pilots could see hijackers coming.
  2. Issuing guns to all passengers at security gates so they could shoot hijackers in their isle on the way to the cockpit.
  3. Arming flight attendants with high capacity automatic weapons. 
  4. Pilots have safety belts converted to ammo bandoliers. 
  5. Passengers pay for armed guards at each lavatory and at the cockpit, despite the fact they won't pay for extra leg room in economy plus. 
  6. That all planes with bad guys on them should be shot down by good guys with guns.  Thoughts and prayers for the passengers.
  7. X-Raying baggage should be banned is violates a persons 4th Amendment rights.
  8. Seat belts would be removed to allow for faster threat response in case of a hijacking.