Friday, November 17, 2017

Trump declares Twitter his new pussy.

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In recent conversations with White House staffers President Trump suggested Twitter was the only pussy he was still allowed to grab.  Sources close to the president said he found the constant accompaniment of staffers and secret service,  "A terrific sad."  The president indicated the entourage was cutting into pussy grab time. "It's like I have a dozen Jewish mother in laws watching me now."  The president remarked.  "I don't need to say how pushy they can be."

Sources also indicate the president frequently retires to private rooms in the residency to play with his phone often grabbing it firmly with both hands fingering away and declaring "Take that pussy!"

Sources close to Vladimir Putin have also revealed Donald Trump bragged to the Russian leader about his use of Twitter.   "Its better than grabbing pussy. I can can try and fuck just about anyone I want now. I don't even have to get off the toilet."

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Roy Moore declares himself in currency with the bible!

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Citing unique biblical insight handed to him by God, in a recent Sean Hannity interview Alabama Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore declared himself current with the bibles teaching on women.

“Look, what I did or didn’t do with them girls forty years ago, is supported by the bible and Jesus.  Leviticus says women are property.  You can do with your property as you please.”

When Hannity pointed out these women were underage, and a result, the property of the girl’s parents Roy Moore replied, “Look anything I did, I did with the permission of their mothers. So, I’m biblically current.”

Hannity went on, “Currently there seems to be a lot of girls below Alabama’s age of consent you need absolution for. Are you covered?”

Roy went on, “Look as a former prosecutor, we show flexibility in the law. You want to quibble with me about a year or two? Fourteen, sixteen, youth goes by quick.  Ask any man in Alabama how fast high school went by.  These women seem to be upset about a half hour out of their life. That’s like 1/1000th of the last 40 years. If that was $400 you wouldn’t have a penny. So, anything these women say is worthless.”

Friday, November 10, 2017

Dear Hillary, fair maiden, this is what happened.

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2016 – The Cartoon Melodrama Revisited.

“What happened?” Fair maiden Hillary titled her book.

Caught up in melodrama, she had no idea. Neither did anyone else. Charlatans in the tangled web of media claim they did. Day old doughnuts on Amazon will be the next rage also.

Premise: Tales will be written for decades how we were taken with a defective leader. Here is one.

Background: Playing the part of a stubborn half-ass: Donald Trump.  A rich one, but mostly an ass. Nobody admires asses. We watch them, we are entertained by them, like Snidely Whiplash in Dudley DooRight. Donald’s our cartoon villain. Why won’t the villains give up even when exposed? Because they are asses. Snidely was always trying to enrich himself and rip off others. Asses only care about themselves. Except in the advancement of self-enrichment there is no compassion.

Opening: Minage a politic (Think Quinton Tarantino plot here.)

Enter Hillary, fair maiden, defender of women’s rights, champion of the down trodden.
–Ah contraire mademoiselle. There is an air about you. Not quite Snidely Whiplash, but certainly not Mrs. DooRight. Noble first lady, Senator, Secretary of 757 travel, why must you always work the system? When Monica happened why did you not dump Bill? He always had lifetime season tickets to the tit races. He laid them on his desk for you to see. Is it that you care for company of women only? Come out, come out. We are supportive now.  –And, your carpet bag for senator of New York Pepe Le Pewed a bit.

You want to be President? That’s our anointed elected Jesus position. Reverence for it is ingrained our political psyche. -And we like an organic Jesus, rough off the potato cart, not plastic, not prepackaged, not designed by Armani.

Flashback 1992 – Villains take over.

Our war hero elected Jesus lost to a heavy eye shadow, big hair chasing draft dodger guy with a possible lesbian wife. How dare the DooRights win the elected Jesus position with a villain clone. The president must be pure!  Okay, our Bush boy, wasn’t pure. He was leftover bit player of our hair dyed Hollywood flunky production. We will fight fire with fire.

Who are we? The Decepticons, rich guys in disguise. We will make Congress a caucus of snake oil salesman. We’ll pay for Dick Dastardlys and their Muttley sidekicks to get elected. Gone are the days of promotion of business, economics, general welfare and strong defense. We want chaos. Infiltrate congress with an inept Hanna Barbera cartoon army.  Charge the president with getting oral sex and not telling his lesbian wife.  In the mayhem, get rid of the death taxes and lower cap gains as well as dividend taxes to 15 percent. Call it “The contract with America.”  Most of America will think they get something. The DooRight villain clone elected Jesus will do our bidding. To quote Muttley, “Heh, Heh, Heh.”

Forward: 2008 (It is very Tarantino now)

With one term as senior state rep Hillary calculates she could make the final sprint everyone knew she was going to make since stepping into the national psyche. But plot twist, WTF, there is a dark-skinned guy who makes everyone think of freckles and Kansas.  He also has that story, “I plowed life’s manure into next Springs crop.”  God, he talks pretty. A newcomer there wasn’t a snide side too him. A DooRight in the purest form, surrounded by DooRights. After eight years of bumbling and death under decepticon Bush 2, the nation and the world erupt into rocking celebration when he and the other DooRights swept away most of the decepticon cartoon army. Maybe because he was a DooRight of a different color but mostly because he wasn’t packaged recycled plastic. He didn’t come from the political class, and he didn’t start in politics thinking, “I want to be king someday.” He wanted to make things better.  Everyone bought it. Hillary should have learned a lesson there. Stay in the Senate earn your cred, instead she just said, “VP is out of the question, hmm Secretary of State?” Snidely transparent my dear.

Decepticon Outrage 2009 (Tarantino view behind the protagonists.)

Decepticons are incensed about John McCain, the icon of Decepticon values, being defeated at the hands of someone, anyone, a well-spoken, well -Dudley DooRight.  Oh yeah, yeah, he was bi-racial, came from a broken family, had father that was Muslim. Did anyone know Kenya has Muslims before 2008? Had anyone ever thought about anything besides lions and tigers in Africa in Kenya? Even though tigers don’t live in Africa.  But that kids video says they do. It wouldn’t have mattered who beat John McCain in 2008. Jesus himself would have pissed off the Decepticons. Barrack was so squeaky clean, eloquent and olive skinned he might be Jesus. 2008 was 1992 all over again. They had been foiled. Mobilize the cartoon villain army!

Forward Cartoon Villain Action Plan

What do Skeletor, Mr. Burns and Joker crowd do when they are handed a defeat? Like a hungry Wile E Coyote they hatch another plot.  Villains in congress will recruit wackier villains to congress to unseat the DooRight allies of African Super Jesus.   Together they would stop that ASJ guy.

2010 Wyle E. Coyotes catch the Road Runner, success but foiled again?

Cartoon villains have a weakness: they are all sole proprietors. They are in it for themselves. Sharing and compromise are for the weak. Another villain is as much an enemy as a DooRight. As the new villains took seats, they were unified in opposition to the African Jesus character who would help all with cleaner air, financial security and aghast: healing services. But there was no unity on anything else. Also, in the things never appear as they are world of the decepticons plot hatching villains never thought about who brought them to their little forum.  Mr. Burns and Skeletor would just as soon attack or the Joker as Jesus or Mr. and Mrs DooRight. But Mr. Burns never considered a character like Megatron, not even residing on the Congress planet who would sneak in other transformer robots that looked peaceful but are weaponized to take them out. All the cartoon villains accomplished during this period was revealing who they thought was the best pure villain and who were villains in name only.

Meantime the DooRights stood and gave beautiful speeches on truth, justice and DooRight to way. Couldn’t the villains just see if we pooled together we could take care of each other. Just give up some of your villain loot. We’d even care for less successful villains. They weren’t having it. By 2012 the villains had another plan. If the people wanted squeaking clean, they had a guy who liked healing services. The perfect plastic molding transformer super hero. Clean living, good looking, and good God slightly Mexican by missionary invasion. Super Mitt would even take off his tie to look mild mannered. It didn’t work. African Jesus had built a following. Great audiences around the country were held. Though beautiful and rich super Mitt was shunned.  Crowds still flocked to the poorer African super Jesus.

Foiled twice by the ASJ the villains frothed. Bubbles of anger and sorrow popped as they rose from the crowd of mean. All they could utter was, “No, no, no!”  In their combined cries of the same word they saw their strength. ASJ had but 1460 days left on this earth. It was as if he was already gone. He was powerless, as he was outnumbered by the combined force of “No!”  Going forward, there would be only one truth. It would be the: “No!”

No, No, No, I would be elected Jesus

One by one some of the Jokers, Dicks and Snidely’s saw an opportunity in all this “No.”  They would apply for the African Super Jesus’s job.  They would be the supreme “No!” –And what they wanted to say “No!” to the most was the fair maiden Hillary.
Recovering from four years of 757 jet lag and parties with men in strange headgear who would have her wear complete Armani burkas, Hillary only could manage a “Huh?” ASJ had worked her to near death spreading his words of hope. She could barely stand or talk. Being an ASJ disciple was a lot of work. She would tell people she didn’t even know if she wanted the ASJ job. The villain crew and rest of the DooRights were sure she did. From the day she was eighteen, she’d always wanted to be the first woman elected super Jesus. Like gods, they could all see it. Like a villain, she denied her true intentions.

More and more cartoon villains announced their intention to deny Hillary her crown. Was it eighteen, nineteen now?  The TV cartoon spectator crowd lost count. There were so many they all couldn’t fit in the same arena. Certainly not on same television screen. Who were all these characters who hate Hillary? Why do they hate Hillary?  That’s when the coffee shop latte and Facebook gossip started. “Well, if she was noble and pure, she would have divorced Bill. She wouldn’t sell children to witches baking them in ovens.”  It went downhill from there.

In the meantime, Don the Megatron, one of the great decepticons, decided to descend from the heavens rich boy planet. The people needed direct intervention. If African Super Jesus with his magical “beat the villain’s ways” was an alien, he offered a gilded alternative. He even had his own cartoon show dedicated just to him. Everyone wanted to be his apprentice. Gold, flying around and having trump dominion in all the big cities seems so cool. Problem with Don was he didn’t really have anything nice to say. He just hated everyone besides himself and the other decepticons from rich boy planet. But he would make the world better.  Being an alien robot, most of the other cartoon villains didn’t think much of the Don.  They argued who could best destroy fair maiden Hillary as the Megatron destroyed them with each episode.

1776-1789 The Origin of the Species (A way back Tarantino Scene)

Where did all these “No!” people come from?  The nation was founded by them. Who were the pilgrims but the English 17th Century utterers of “No!”  They didn’t want to do the Pope’s or the Kings version of Jesus. They had their own pure form.  The king sent them asunder to get them out of his hair. Even to this day the ruling class thinks the best way to get rid of people they labeled villains is to deport them. A great deportation of the less desirables (second and third sons, serfs, criminals) took place to a land where it was perfectly legal to show up and steal property and ignore the King’s version of Jesus. Because, the natives of that land didn’t believe in any version of Jesus.

The further south a person went in the “you’re free to steal place” looting land took a bit of labor.  Solution: steal labor. Grab some people from Africa and whip them to work. (They were Muslims about to get eaten by a tiger or something anyway. From now on we’ll just think of these whippers as the original asses. )

The non-Jesus debating natives of North America took exception to the influx of No and ass types. They teamed up with some fur traders and made war on the merchants of No. The No people took exception to being shot and hacked up by the natives.  They asked the king for help. Not the king who sent them asunder, but a powder wiggy German guy who got his job after a lot whacky stuff like murdering people for over a hundred years because they liked the wrong version of Jesus depending who was the king or queen or interim puritanical dictator. A king or two got murdered in the process and the Brits invented parliament and told the king he only had dominion over the No people in the colonies.

Stopping the hacking and shooting cost money. The king wanted repayment for the rescue from the natives and fur mongers. Turns out the No’s said “No.” Given their predilection for stealing stuff, they stole the colonies from the king.  

In the process of colony theft, a few of the No people declared themselves enlightened. They would do right by the people unlike the king.  They started giving do right speeches and distributing do right pamphlets making declarations about all men being equal and free.   Of course, they already were free.  The people wearing the crowns were technically early American venture capitalists, setting up the No people in business, and giving them lots of freedom. They just wanted return on investment. But when in the act of stealing stuff, one ignores a lot (reality and contracts) especially when the thieves have a we are enlightened story.  Something that makes them sound like a Jesus figure. “I’ll bind up your wounds, heal you, save you from agony, rid you of a tyrant who wants profit. “  To make a 19 year saga short, a lot of people got shot and hacked, but the enlightened do rights and No’s got away with it.  The king gave up and started peeing blue.

Divorcing a red coated blue peeing banker with a per chant for repayment aside, the No’s found themselves truly asunder. After seven or eight years of leaderless experience, where they couldn’t even agree on how to strike coins, they decided to get together and discuss how they might govern. The DooRights had some great, almost bible like, ideas: proportional representative democracy, checks and balances so people could still say “No” mostly, and regular elections so No people could divorce representatives that said “Yes” too much.

As the enlightened DooRight and No villain convention progressed, the African whipping colonies suspected the enlightened might have a narrow point of view on whipping Africans.  Being well versed in stealing land and people they weren’t about to let representative democracy steal their stolen goods.  It was a bit like negotiating with the Riddler. “The whipped are human but not a human.” The whip states would state.

“So, they are human?” The DooRights replied.

“No, they are inventory,” was the answer, “So they count. But don’t get counted.”

The riddle façade perplexed the DooRights. “It sounds like your fucking them and they don’t get a vote.”

The villains from the whipping states smiled, “Oh everyone gets fucked eventually.”  There was a bit of silence. Then the whippers stated their demands, “Basically if you want this DooRight utopia, you have to make a deal with us fuckers.”

The DooRights hesitated. They debated among themselves, deciding getting fucked for the greater good was the lesser of many fucked up situations. In the end they decided “fuck it.” They started riddling with the riddler’s.  By the time they were done, the states had both equal, but unequal representation simultaneously. Given all these fucked up representations, the DooRights suggested there might need be a prime people’s representative. Somebody to whip all these representatives into a focused body.

One of the African fuckers whipped back, “Sounds like you need Jesus.”

The DooRights all smiled and held up their hands, “An elected one, yes.”

This sent the original ass African fucking faction into a quorum.  There were a lot more DooRights than African fuckers.  If the elected Jesus was determined by just popular vote, they’d end up with DooRight after DooRight elected as Jesus.  –And DooRights have a narrow point of view on African fucking. The villainous asses hatched a plot.   The elected super Jesus could be by popular vote like the DooRights wanted, but each state would hold separate elections. They would certify the state popular vote and send representatives to a college electors to cast final super Jesus votes.  Each state would get as many representatives at the college as they had in Congress.  Winner of each state, got all the college votes.  Well, if the states make their electors vote the same way. Some said they’d let their legislatures decide. It’s up to the states. The states have the right to determine who they want for super Jesus.

The DooRights scratched their head a bit.  The African whipping states already had extra reps in the college for all the Africans they wanted counted but wouldn’t count their vote. It occurred to the DooRights elected Jesus could get elected without getting the most votes. “It sounds like most of the time we are going to get a half-ass elected Jesus under your plan,” one of the DooRights finally remarked.

The African fucking villains stood their ground.  “You want your DooRight utopia or not?”

The DooRights were trumped.

What Happened – Really.

Cartoon villainy and DooRight ineptness aside, the odds of becoming elected super Jesus are kind of like getting under a cheerleader’s sweater. There are a lot of men around who are just plain left frustrated. The guys that pull it off are full of intrigue and promises like the real Jesus.  If there isn’t much intrigue we kind of get a half ass dick. 

The woman who would be super Jesus, never really inspired us.  Plus, she’s anything but pure DooRight. The people smell pure. Purity has the scent of hope.  She never told us how she hoped to make America better.  She just told us our land of milk and honey wouldn’t be as bad as it would if a cartoon villain got to be president.

The DooRights had pure guy. Bernie the man with a plan. He wanted to rid the country of super villains.  The ones that controlled the cartoon villains from behind a cloak. Problem was, people didn’t really know what a super villain was or did for that matter. What was a Megatron transformer?  And moreover, if they were a Megatron, why couldn’t they be allowed to enjoy their abilities? Wouldn’t we all like to be a transformer? 99.999 percent of people had no chance of being a transformer but they were the root of the nation’s problems? Bernie was a little obtuse.

Donald Trump inspired a bit with his “Make America Great Again” slogan. The problem was, besides that sentence, pretty much everything else he said made him sound like a half-ass Megatron.

Given lack of Hillary intrigue and inspiration and Donnie half-ass talk, we the people were left with a toss-up. Neither were a super Jesus. African Super Jesus inspired us enough to overcome the whacky college system the original DooRights and African fucking villains came up with.

But Hillary, dear maiden, what happened to you?  You failed to inspire enough to overcome the villainy of the original cartoon villains. They reached out from their graves with their college and like the Africans of the 17th and 18th century, they fucked you. 

Monday, November 6, 2017

Tom Steyer proves the anti-Trump crowd are boring political dorks once again.

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Billionaire Tom Steyer's ads to gather signatures to impeach President Donald Trump have been discontinued by the Fox network. "Due to the negative reaction to this ad by our viewers, we could not in good conscience take his money, said Fox News co-president Jack Abernathy. 

"Truth was our viewers were bored. They tune to Fox for that throw your beer can at the TV punditry.  Tom was putting them to sleep with his droning monologue. --Worse than that, they were surfing other channels."   

The NRA Promise

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Republicans baffled prayer won't stop bullets.

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Key member's of the Republican caucus in Congress Sunday indicated they were baffled that prayer can't stop bullets. 

"We send our thoughts and prayers." tweeted, Paul Ryan and several other members of Congress on Sunday. 

Privately a Texas senator expressed frustration with yet another church shooting. "I mean first it was the Episcopalians now the Baptists.  That's two sects that aren't bulletproof. If people figure out prayer won't stop bullets, they are going to stop believing in our economic policy magic next."

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Trump claims credit for Jesus's resurrection!

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In a recent trip to the National Cathedral President Donald Trump said, "This Jesus guy has gotten better since I was in office."

When ask by reporters from the White House press core to elaborate, the President continued, "Well, I mean he was big. Resurrecting himself.  I mean nobody had done that before.  But people forget."

Surrounded  at a luncheon by bishops and priests from the Washington D.C. Episcopal Diocese the President made several other remarks, "Look you have to admit, lots more people pray to your guy since I've been around.  I am like resurrecting him all over again."

Asked for her opinion on the Presidents statements afterwards Bishop Mariann Budde simply replied, "I think the President may have a point."