Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Science determines state of stick up Mitch McConnell's ass at SOTU

Image result for mitch mcconnell at state of the union last night

Harvard Medical and M.I.T. Mechanical Engineering teamed up last night with IBM's Watson's artificial intelligence engine to conduct a root cause analysis and associating pictures to the expressions of various politicians watching the President Trump state of the union speech.

Initially the study was to determine the mindset of Mike Pence and Speaker Ryan as they had to sit quietly behind the President on TV for 90 minutes.  (A picture being worth a thousand words.) Advanced AI algorithms correlated to web pictures of dog behavior with a biscuit being held in front of them by their owner.
Image result for dogs looking at food

Various other politicians were analyzed also as the camera panned across congress members. Chuck Schumer correlated to a spoon of probiotic  yogurt.
Image result for probiotic yogurt

However IBM's Watson kept finding the following image from a 50's version of the Boy Scout Handbook each time the Senate Majority leader was panned by the camera.
Image result for fire starter shaved sticks

IBM Watson also attached  the following line with the image : "Up his ass, and backwards too."

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