Tuesday, January 30, 2018

State of Trump

Image result for trump caricature

One year into the presidency Trump lost himself in.  -And yes “Lost” is probably the operative word. Don’t you think he seems like a wandering man being harassed by Sleestaks? Let’s review his progress on his promises.

1.       Mexico’s gonna pay for that wall. – Nope. No peso river from Mexico yet. The wall is more of a dam.  Kind of a money drought dike on both sides holding back floods of money in Don’s mind. Lots of discussion about “What is a wall?” There is ground swell, a something, that does not love a wall. Donnie ordered Robert Frost fired according to sources at the state department. He is the reason no one loves the wall.

2.       Make Obama Care Better. –Nope. Attempted to slash at it with a scalpel a lot. Screamed and yelled like a baby in emergency about how much “It hurts.”   Ripped off bandages like the individual mandate exposing wounds to infection, but as far as treating the patient, his bedside manner is as abrupt and expensive as his marriage endings.

3.       Bring back Coal. –Nope. Coal sucks to transport and burn compared to petroleum and natural gas.  Even with a Trump scalp reduction and elaborate comb over coal can’t hide its lack of sexy. 

4.       Cut Taxes. –Depends on endowment. If you already had more money than you needed to have a house, a car and feed your family, your twelve inches just became 14.  If not, you still have a four inch soft shaft. That $20 a week he gave you is like a single lick. It feels good, but the rest is up to you.

5.       America First.  –Yep.  If you interpret the phrase as “How many people can I piss off.” 

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