Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wall Street Journal attributes economic boom exclusively to Donald Trump's election.

The Wall Street Journal in an Op Ed published over this weekend's highlighted all additional growth in the American economy is because of Trump's faults.

Not his virtues. His faults.

The article asserts that Donald Trumps erratic behavior and twitter habits have lead to extreme growth in the following industries:  telecom providers, media outlets, and graphic artists.

Speaking from a total data traffic increase, Lowell C. McAdam CEO of Verizon was quoted as saying, "Historically we've been going at 6000 percent since 1998.  This year is was 13,000.  If you look at the content of the extra data, Donald Trump or some derivative of his name or image almost always appears."

Randall Stephenson chairman if AT&T agreed.  "We're investing an extra billion in infrastructure this year because of the tax cut. We expect almost all of that to be consumed by Donald Trump chatter."

Doug Herzog CEO of Comedy Central also weighed in.  "Consider the amount of graphic artists we'd had to hire at New York wages in just the last year to lampoon the President. Its not just a cottage industry anymore. He created a whole industry. Graphic arts was dying, Trump rejuvenated over night." 

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