Thursday, February 22, 2018

Does gun control work?

Setting aside my tongue and cheek making fun of  political life for a day or two.

Here is a excerpt I found on Facebook a friend of mine wrote.  It speaks volumes to what we as a country should be doing about mass shootings.  President Trump has proposed arming teachers to solve the mass shooting problem in schools.  I won't get into reasoning whether I think that would work. It won't.  The problem is not isolated to schools. Its hitting every venue Americans assemble in: Churches, concerts, movie theaters, shopping malls, and yes, schools.  We don't need a quick fix, we need comprehensive cross the board gun legislation. Ignoring the problem as just given us thousands of shot people in the last 20 years.  Loosening gun control made it worse. See chart above.
More access to guns leads to more death and injury.

California once again leads the nation in solving problems. Hate them if you will. But they get results. The kids from Florida are an inspiration. Those of you who are worshipers in the gun cult are basically clueless and uncaring. 

From a Facebook comment.

I can only speak from my own states experience. Since 1993 California has passed a series of sensible gun laws. (Through the legislature and through referendum. -Right we voted it in by 65 percent.) 

We have a ten day waiting period on all gun and ammo purchases. We outlawed magazines over ten bullets, we also banned assault type weapons etc. We have background checks. It's been slightly inconvenient a couple times. I know I wanted to buy new .22's for the Scout camp ten years ago or so. We had to delay the purchase. (That was more poor planning on our part.) 

But here is the thing. Deaths by gunfire have dropped in this state by 2500 people a year since 1993. This despite us actually adding 4 million more people in population. That's a lot of people that are alive today, that would not be, had the voters and lawmakers in California not taken action. I still have my guns in my cabinet. I still go out and blast clay pigeons, birds and various other non-human targets when I desire. It seems a good compromise to protect school kids, concert goers, people walking down the street, or going to a movie.

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